Principale Estero Mr Trump, you must know how to lose

Mr Trump, you must know how to lose

In one of the most popular elections ever, a true feast of modern democracy, which continues in the American squares, one of the most casual men, less interested in the destinies of his country, against a net result, There are 74 million votes in Biden, plotting to delegitimize the American electoral system just because it lost.

The Republican government of Georgia has done well to confirm the validity of the vote and the fairness of the procedures, including the recount of the votes. A republican lesson for Trump that with fairness and ethics has a difficult relationship, as he has a difficult relationship with the sense of the state of which he should be the first servant.

Well did Maryland Republican Governor Larry Hogan to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden:

“Congratulations to President-elect Biden. Everyone should want our president to succeed because we need our country to succeed. We have great challenges ahead of us as a country. Now more than ever, we need to come together as Americans”.

pondering that:

  “We have a choice. We can either continue to perpetuate toxic politics, or we can work together to build a better future. We can either try to score points on social media, or we can come together to solve problems and make life better for all Americans. We can either move forward together, or we can continue to slide backward, divided. Now is the time to govern.”

The big game ended 74 to 71 Million votes with an even heavier result on the voters for Mr Trump. It’s not a great thing that if he wins everything is regular (in 2016) while if he loses everything becomes as strange as he was saying for months, throwing mud on the United States.

Today it is a question of recomposing the American People and well said President-elect Joe Biden that there are no democratic and republican states, but there are the United States of America

The big game ended 74 to 71 Million votes with an even heavier result on the voters for Mr Trump. It’s not a great thing that if he wins everything is regular (in 2016) while if he loses everything becomes as strange as he was saying for months, throwing mud on the United States.

Today it is a question of recomposing the American People and well said President-elect Joe Biden that there are no democratic and republican states, but there are the United States of America

Who now also have a great Socialists and Democrats Movement led by Bernie Sanders that has led tens of millions of Americans to vote and will continue to exercise its role not only in the Senate and the House but in the whole country to make sure that the AMERICAN DREAM recalled by Kamala Harris continue for all young people and for all American citizens who want WEALTH HEALTH AND JUSTICE for all, defeat the Crown Virus and revive the American economic power in a future of sustainable development.

Vincenzo Valenzi

In una delle elezioni più partecipate di sempre, un’autentica festa della democrazia moderna, che continua nelle piazze americane, uno degli uomini più disinvolti, meno interessati ai destini del suo Paese, a fronte di un risultato netto, verso i suoi 71 milioni di voti c’è ne sono 74 milioni di voti a Biden, trama per delegittimare il sistema elettorale americano solo perché ha perso.

Bene ha fatto il governo repubblicano della Georgia a confermare la validità del voto e la correttezza delle procedure, compreso il riconteggio dei voti. Una lezione repubblicana per Trump che con la correttezza e l’etica ha un rapporto difficile, come ha un rapporto difficile con il senso dello Stato di cui dovrebbe essere il primo servitore.

Bene ha fatto il Governatore Repubblicano del Maryland  Larry Hogan a congratularsi con il Presidente eletto Joe Biden

Congratulations to President-elect Biden. Everyone should want our president to succeed because we need our country to succeed. We have great challenges ahead of us as a country. Now more than ever, we need to come together as Americans.

meditando sul fatto che

  “We have a choice. We can either continue to perpetuate toxic politics, or we can work together to build a better future. We can either try to score points on social media, or we can come together to solve problems and make life better for all Americans. We can either move forward together, or we can continue to slide backward, divided. Now is the time to govern.

La grande partita è finita 74 a 71 Milioni di voti con un risultato sui grandi elettori ancora più pesante per Mr Trump. Non è un granché che se vince lui tutto è regolare (nel 2016) mentre se perde tutto diventa strano come andava dicendo da mesi, buttando fango sugli Stati Uniti.

Oggi si tratta di ricomporre il Popolo americano e ben ha detto il presidente eletto Joe Biden  che non esistono Stati democratici e repubblicani, ma esistono gli Stati Uniti d’America .

Che oramai hanno anche un grande Movimento di Socialisti e Democratici guidato da Bernie Sanders che ha portato decine di milioni di americani a votare e continuerà a esercitare il suo ruolo non solo al Senato e alla Camera ma nel Paese intero per fare sì che il SOGNO AMERICANO rievocato da Kamala Harris continui per tutti i giovani e per tutti i cittadini americani che vogliono RICCHEZZA SALUTE E GIUSTIZIA per tutti, sconfiggere il corona virus e rilanciare la potenza economica americana in uno futuro di sviluppo sostenibile.

Vincenzo Valenzi


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